
2 min readAug 8, 2024

Poetry for a lover, only present in dreams.

Photo by Hert Niks on Unsplash :)

As dusk comes down upon our realm

as I descend into my mortal slumber

I allow my spirit to take refuge

in a subtle field blessed by the Goddess of the night.

Blessed be she

Nyx, her eyes gaze at me,

watery for my composure.

Crouching and wailing I am

for I have to bid her goodbye.

Her, and my turquoise-tinted muse.

How I yearned to finally embrace her,

her tender lips pressed against my own

the warmth of her body engulfing my soul.

I could not leave her if I wanted to

nor grasp her more,

as much in adoration as I lie in.

‘Am I going to see you again tomorrow?

Are your eyes going to be a distant memory

of a wondrous dream

-that seems as a torment from Cupid himself-

in a paradise far-away?

Will you ever bless me with your touch;

of which I’ve never felt an equal tend to my essence?




Written by Nisolomou

Just your average abnormal writer. Writing literature texts. https://linktr.ee/nisolomou

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