
Aug 30, 2024

About poetic justice and God.

Photo by Ivan Rohovchenko on Unsplash :)

Poetic justice is never given –

It is earned through the virtues we fight to retain

and the beliefs we try to honor.

For, God never acts through empty vessels

nor through shallow souls.

Through mortal instruments

that which is holy

is born.

Holy be justice

I reprise in joy.

And thus,

I repent in silence.

Believing though,

I shall do so in noise.

Moving as far as that holy path will take me.

Only then, can God live within me.

His graceful touch I receive in tears of happiness,

in serenity I breathe and hope.

This poem is part of a poetry collection of my own creation. For any reuse, please feel free to contact me. Nisolomou (Stelios Nikolaou) 2024 ©

