Just your average abnormal writer. Currently publishing poems here and at Ideostrovilos.gr, whilst in the process of publishing a folklore fantasy epic.

Until then, you can find my books on my Linktree page.

But I know you might have a few questions about me, so here you are:

I was born in 1996 in Limassol, Cyprus, where I live to this day, with my other half heritage being from Argaki of Morphou.

I hold a law degree from Northumbria University of Newcastle, I am a registered lawyer in Cyprus, and a postgraduate student in International Financial and Commercial Law at King's College London, aiming to eventually obtain a doctorate in the philosophy of law (Or write a book about my dream).

I am the author of the poetry collections "Cypriots land eternal - Karpasia", "Longings, sea, and nation", and the author of dozens of articles in various mediums.

I try to be continuously active in literary competitions in Cyprus, Greece, the UK, and also in the USA, whilst also writing various texts on various topics, which I publish here on this account.

I am constantly researching the history of Cyprus, especially from the time when the Eastern Roman Empire was present on the island, until today, constantly writing folklore novels with various themes, which are waiting to acquire a physical form.

Ultimately, my work-passion-love-life is writing, poetry, and research (Legal and historical), while my hobbies include martial arts, sports, music, and anything related to the sea.

Medium member since September 2023
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Book Author

Just your average abnormal writer. Writing literature texts. https://linktr.ee/nisolomou