A word. For you. About her.

6 min read6 days ago
Photo by Jimmy Chang on Unsplash :)

I wouldn’t know the answers to everything.

That’s my preface to what I am about to say.

I cannot dare to try and explain how the world works, or where love comes from; Neither the grand form your seem to feel about your dear sister, neither the imm/premature form I seem to feel about you. Neither can I explain the glimmer of love you might hold deep within you for me.

It’s not my place to do that anyway.

What I do know is that life is short. And life is so immersly beautiful that I would never be able to share that feeling to anyone.

I could never make someone listen to my most favorite songs, see the most beautiful sunsets with the company of good friends, and glance into your eyes, and feel that way.

It is a shame that people cannot seem to share their feelings as they are ready and perhaps eager to share their words or spaces. But that’s how we exist. Therein hides the beauty of it all perhaps. In entering into positions that allow you to experience the world through the heart of the person sitting across from you.

Your feelings for your dear sister hold exactly that brightness and glamour.

Through the endless love you felt for her, you tried and managed, with God’s Grace, to enter into her shoes, just enough for…

